
Saturday, May 7, 2016

The Market Needs A Better Tracker - Introducing The Leads Leap Real Tracker

Why the market needs a better tracker? 

Most link trackers only track clicks. How do you tell if a visitor is simply clicking your link or really checking out your webpage? That's what The Real Tracker is capable of. With The Real Tracker, you are able to differentiate Clicks from Real Visits.

Get daily click details.  You can monitor the daily click and visit stats in an easy-to-understand chart.

How does The Real Tracker differentiate clicks from real visits? 

The Real Tracker monitors browser's visibility and user activities such as mouse movement, scrolling etc within a 5 second period and sends a signal back to our server every 5 seconds. If someone clicks your link and then works on something else, or simply open your link in the background and never really look at it, or if it is a click from web spider, robots or some kind of software, the tracker will register no activity from the click.

On the other hand, if it is a genuine visit, the system should register at least 5 seconds of surfing activity.  Using this methodology, we can effectively differentiate clicks from visits, by defining a Real Visit as a click with a minimum of 5 seconds of stay duration. The system even consolidates the stay duration for every click and presents it in another chart.

You can view the Surfing Duration for different sources. This allows you to find out which traffic source sends you traffic that really surf your site.
A better way to track the traffic source, on the fly!  
Most third party trackers tell you where the traffic comes from by tracking the referrer domain.

There are some problems with such tracking method:

1) You can't track links from email, apps or direct access.
2) You can't differentiate link source within the same domain.
3) Referral domain may be changed if the link opens in an iframe.
The thing is, most of the time, you already know where you post the link.

One alternative is to create a new tracking link for each traffic source. But that is tedious and inefficient. You will end up with tons of links. Comparing them statistically will be a nightmare.

The Real Tracker solves this problem by allowing you to add unlimited source trackers to the tracked link, so that you can set the traffic source at the point of pointing the link.

There is no need to go back to the set up page. You can basically add the source tracker on the fly! This allows you to easily find out which traffic source is sending you 'clickers' and which traffic source is sending you 'visitors'.

Empower you with cross-promotion capabilities.
Depending on where you promote the link, sometimes it is appropriate to promote another offer in the same link and stretch your promotion effort.
The Real Tracker allows you to do that, with a twist!
You can add an Ad Bar at the top or bottom of the page. You can even add a 20-second countdown to create a time-sensitive offer and boost the click-through rate.

Leads Leap provides this super versatile tracker to all members.

Saturday, April 30, 2016

How does Revenue Sharing work at Leads Leap?

LeadsLeap 2.0 has 3 revenue sharing schemes

1) 5% - 10% Revenue Share, Daily Payout.

This scheme makes sure that everyone makes money in LeadsLeap.
All you have to do is visit at least 10 ads in the network in a day.
The sharing percentage is 5% for Free Members and 10% for Pro Members. This means a Pro Member will earn double of what he will earn if he is a Free Member.
In addition to that, if you have no intention to use the credits for advertising, you can convert your credits into cash. Unused credits will expire after 6 months.
Unlike other paid-to-click or paid-to-surf systems, you are not forced to view ads for 10, 20 or 30 seconds. You earn based on the duration you surf.
If an ad is boring, get the initial credits and close it. If it is interesting, continue surfing and keep earning every 5 seconds.

Too lazy to login everyday to view ads? No problem. We will send the ads to your email everyday. Just ONE email a day, not more, not less, and you decide what time you want it to be sent.

2) 15% - 30% Revenue Share, Weekly Payout.

The second revenue share is to reward members who send traffic to the ads in the network.
You can think of it like Google Adsense, except you don't need a website to start earning.

The sharing percentage is 15% for Free Members and 30% for Pro Members. This means a Pro Member will earn double of what he will earn if he is a Free Member.

3 ways to participate in this scheme:
- add LeadsLeap Widget to your blog or website.
- use The Real Tracker with the ad widget activated.
- send traffic to our blog via your affiliate link.

3) 25 - 50% Affiliate Commissions

This is to reward members who refer members to the network.
When your referrals upgrade their accounts, you'll earn recurring commissions, 25% if you are a Free Member, 50% if you are a Pro Member.

So free members can actually earn and Up graded members earn even more plus you get your sites and offers seen.... Talk about a win win situation!

See the ads in thee box to the right of this post? Good why not click a few that interest you.



Sunday, April 10, 2016


What I would like to share with you is just how Leads Leap works and the benefits of using this system to further your adverting, and list building campaigns.

How does  LeadsLeap advertising works? 

Simple you can post contextual ads under 2 advertising programs, Free Ads and Pro Ads.

Free Ads are free but fueled by credits. 

Pro Ads are exclusive to Pro Members. They are shown in the network without the need of credits. 

Leads Leap uses several strategies to send traffic to your ads.

1) We pay members to surf your ads.  This is quite unique and will be explained further later on.

2) We send the ads to our members' emails to make it easier for them to view your ads.  Another unique policy which will be explained further later on.

3) We pay members who send third party traffic to your ads, via LeadsLeap Widget, The Real Tracker and traffic to our blog.

4) Other than monetary rewards, we also reward members who add LeadsLeap Widget on their websites with more exposure for their Free Ads.

Through these different strategies, Leads Leap  can help you to get traffic from different sources, within and beyond the LeadsLeap network.

It's a very simple and straight forward system that shows you all your results in real time. Help and explanations are very easy to find all over the site. The folks at Leads Leap have truly simplified and tuned this site to be 100% user friendly in every way.


Thursday, March 17, 2016


Programs come and go but sometimes an older one just revamps it's self and just gets better.

What do you say to a program that you can join for free, contains the superior tools to give you every advantage and even pays you some cash. 

I know in my previous posts I stress that free don't work. 

Let me just take a moment to explain that starting off free is a good way to do things when your short on cash to invest.  

You should always upgrade when you can in order to make more money, you have to spend some to make some more.

Advertising is the key to your success. 

The question is do you know how to advertise? 

Do you know where to advertise? 

And the most Important question is your adverting effective?

The program I am talking about has just relaunched it's self after years of success helping people to achieve their goals.  
Leads Leap made it's existence known back in 2008.
 It has now super charged it's self into Leads Leap 2.0.  
An Ultimate Advertising Platform..

Look your business is important and you need every advantage to make it a success.  You owe it to your success to check out this free system.  

Join it for free you will find you can use everything on the site , and for even more of an advantage the Upgrade is super  affordable.
Go to Leads Leap now sign up for free and see for your self!


Monday, February 22, 2016

Surfers Little helper !!

A Simple and Unique Tool That will Improve Any Surfers Results!

Traffic Browser is a unique browser designed especially to surf and manage your growing list of Traffic Exchanges.  This extraordinary software is designed to earn you more credits in less time using your favorite TE’s by switching to a new tab every time you click.

Traffic Browser is equipped with tons of new features that makes your surfing experience smoother when surfing Traffic Exchanges such as, popup blockers, power surf tabs, timer tabs and volume controls, to name a few.

This popular traffic exchange software also helps you to build your referral  down line using your existing TE’s from our website and from the every referral in your down line who uses this software.  That means the people you refer will have your referral id’s and signup under you from the comfort of their desktop computer.

So go and grab yours right now! 

In fact you can have this for free !
Collect your Zubbie coins & CTP Badges even faster!

Here's where to get it :

Saturday, February 13, 2016


There are quite a few programs out now on the internet to help you advertise your business or opportunities. One of these is a helper with Traffic Exchanges.

One of my favorites is The The Zubbie Zone  Now you can join this for free and how it works is very simple. All you do is use the traffic exchanges and other programs that host them on their sites, by collecting the zubbie coins. Once you collect them you can trade them in for COLD HARD CASH with no minimum balances you get what you collect each Friday right to your pay pal account.
Heck your gonna use these sites anyway to advertise you might as well get this great benefit as well.

Remember the owners of these sites pay for this, so the frequency of the coins is up to them and if you support them by upgrading at their sites they usually lower the surfing requirements for the collection of the coins. 

Each Zubbie partner site has it's own surfing requirements and you get the benefit of getting your sites seen more on these sites because of the increased site viewing to collect the coins,  

So be sure to check out the Zubee Zone today!

Success Thru Helping Others
Professor Cue Ball Clicks aka Murray Ostashev.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016


Many people on the net are caught up in the if it's free it's me mentality.  
You gotta use some common sense here and think. If you and your referrals and their referrals, etc are all free members to a program just how do you think your gonna make any kind of money at all.

Please don't confuse this with the fact that it is possible to start making money on line free, but there does come a time when you must put something back into your efforts or you will wind up chasing pennies forever.  

In story form, from my own experience.  The Story goes like this:
I started marketing a little over 7 years ago.  I imagined being able to make some extra money on line. Being I was already in sales and marketing in the brick and mortar world, I thought it would be easy! All the ads I’ve seen  “make money on autopilot"  sure looked  very appealing. YOU CAN DO THIS FOR FREE!  Well, I’ll tell you this,  About that:  I have made a couple of bucks over the  years.

This year 2016 right at New Years I decided that I was going to make this MY best Year on Line.  So what am I doing differently?  I’m being Social and  investing in my on line business!  I started upgrading In programs and guess what happened? That’s right I started making  Money! 

I was being paid for my down line upgrading and for things they bought on  sites.  Well pretty soon my budget was increasing simply because my return on the money I spent on the upgrade!

Here’s an example of what I’m talking about. I belong to One traffic exchange that costs me just $9.00 per month to belong to As an up graded member. It returns $15.00 to $20.00 per month . 

You continue doing this till you are making dollars instead of pennies. Now you add a few more free programs to the mix and when you can afford to you upgrade at those as well.  I am not saying that you have to upgrade everywhere as soon as you can, what I am saying is that you select the programs that are producing you the most as a free member and upgrade at those to increase your earnings and reinvest your profits 
Really serious about making money you need to spend some to make Some

The It’s FREE MENTALITY, doesn’t work.

Success Thru Helping Others
Professor Cue Ball Clicks aka Murray Ostashev

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Ok it's time for the truth!


Does this question make you think..

How the heck can anyone fail with so many opportunities offering you Thousands of Dollars for just 10 minutes a day.   Sites that tell you it is easy to turn $10.00 into $10,000.  All those shiny objects there on the internet to entice you to make money from home with little to no effort at all.   Come on you know that you've seen them, clicked on them, and wondered.

There are only a few reasons for the massive failure rate in internet marketing.

You did not do your due diligence before joining the program or opportunity.
You didn't make a plan for success or you failed to follow it.
You do not take it seriously
You want to do it for free!!!!!

Look I myself fell into the well I can do this for free in my spare time.  Friends, this is the mentality of a hobbyist or dabbler.  You will never make a dime on the Internet until you learn that it can't be a hobby.  You'll have to work at it and do what it takes, and most of all and this is the big one:


There are no free rides and that is the reality of business both on line and off line.

So what you need to do first is make a decision do want to be a hobbyist or do you want to make some real money.  I made the decision that this year I'm going to get serious about this and with the limited success  I am making now on the Internet I'm going to invest into making more.  I invite you to take this journey along with me.

Please subscribe to this blog and if there is anything at all you would like to contribute, from your best tools to your best Programs forward them to me, be sure to use your referral links which will be included when it is posted.

Success Thru Helping Others Achieve Their Goals!

Sunday, January 10, 2016

This Is One real Time Saver!

Traffic Browser is a unique browser designed especially to surf and manage your growing list of Traffic Exchanges.
This extraordinary software is designed to earn you more credits in less time using your favorite TE’s by switching to a new tab every time you click.

Traffic Browser is equipped with tons of new features that makes your surfing experience smoother when surfing Traffic Exchanges such as, pop up blockers, power surf tabs, timer tabs and volume controls, to name a few. You can customize your surf experience any way you want to.

We Love Traffic Exchange Surfing!  

We currently support over 400 + TE’s.  
There’s a pretty good chance we have the Traffic Exchange your looking for?  If not then become a member and suggest your favorite.

Using Traffic Browser will also earn you commissions on your down line sign ups and purchases. Their Upgrades are extremely reasonable and add increased features to the Browser.

 I recommend that you take Advantage and Upgrade after Joining.

Hey you collect Zubbies? Well Traffic Browser allows you to earn all three Zubbie Coins each day, and it also has CTP Badges!  

Join For Free here:  Traffic Browser

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Now that 2015 is history.

2016 begins as a mystery. 

What will the New Year bring to you, your family and friends?  

For me the New Year brings a new sense of purpose, a yearning for a better life in every aspect: Financially, Mentally, Physically.  In reality this is true for everyone. 

Aren't we all looking for the one thing that will seal the deal and accomplish what we are seeking?  Please remember that everything  worth anything comes with a price. 

There is nothing truly free.  Your costs are time and money, if you don't put in the time you won't get the money and if you don't invest some money well you will never have time.  This is the reality of surviving both on and off the net. 

In order to help myself , I must help you, so this is my mission for the year:  To help as many people who ask for it to achieve their goals.  

To start with please like my face book page Professor Cue Ball Clicks says, and sign up to follow my blog of the same name.  In return I'll share with you all the tools, and programs that I have found success with.

Happy New Year and I look forward to interacting with everyone.

Professor Cue Ball Clicks aka Murray Ostashev.